What’s In A Name?

So I’ve decided to try my hand at blogging.  Blogging is all the rage for new moms and you know how en vogue I am. I suspect there is much laughter following that one.

Actually, my inspiration came from my research in planning my daughter Juliette’s first birthday party.  As I began to scour the web for ideas and bookmark them using my handy Pinterest tool, I was surprised to see that some of the best DIY ideas did not come from Martha Stewart. They came from ordinary women like myself who then posted their creations on their respective blogs.  This is something I can definitely embrace. And so, I too, have decided to contribute- my thoughts, my crazy party planning projects, my frugal finds. I just needed a name.  What to call such a blog?

Originally, I wanted to incorporate the word “multitastic,” a clever hybrid of “multitalented” and “fantastic.” Unfortunately, a blogger more popular than I ever anticipate being, snagged that one. I then contemplated something along the lines of “A busy mind is a happy mind” to accentuate my wake up and hit the ground running lifestyle.  But it didn’t seem to fit.

Finally I settled upon “While Everyone Else Is Sleeping” because the only reason I even had time to ponder such a thing was due to my daughter being in bed and my husband away on a business trip. In fact, for the longest time, nearly all my leisure activities are pursued only while my loved ones are slumbering.  My husband and I are both avid nappers. But I had to give up that sport when we became home owners and I found the only time I could get household projects done was while Dean was taking his Sunday afternoon nap. Now, as a Mom, my time is even more scarce and I attempt to tackle my lengthy to do list in the span of my daughter’s two daily naps.

As if confirming how fitting this name is, creating this blog was on my wish list for today.  A recent trip and day light saving’s time made for some really rough daytime naps, and it was all I could do to set up this blog. This post is being written safely after my love bug’s 7 PM bedtime and while hubby is typing away on his lap top in the next room.

This should be interesting.  We’ll see how long I can keep it up 🙂