J’s Frozen 5th Part II: Food & Activities


You can’t throw a memorable party without providing good food and solid activities, at least that’s what I think.  Plus, with the exception of J’s Tangled party, which was just the right size, I usually have too many people so I am always thinking, “How am I possibly going to keep everyone happy for two hours?” You feed and entertain them, that’s how.


I love when I am organized enough to coordinate my food with my theme. Or at least be organized enough to actually put up food tents so I can get credit for coordinating my food with my theme.  That second statement might be more accurate. Anna and Hans are so compatible that they “finish each other’s sandwiches,” thus sandwiches were the main fare for this lunch time party. We had smoked gouda on snowflake rolls (yes, I had to get “snowflake” rolls), chicken salad on snowflake rolls and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. There were also Frozen chicken nuggets, which are an actual thing. You can buy them at WalMart in four Frozen shapes. For snacking, we had Olaf noses (baby carrots), artichoke and jalapeño dip with Ritz snowflake crackers and Frozen gogurts.  There was also a pasta salad, which had nothing to do with the theme, but boy was it filling. For beverages, there was Arctic punch, which was basically lemonade with food coloring and Melted Snowman, water with a carrot thrown in for fun. I neglected to take pictures of the beverages.

There are lots of free printable food tent cards for Frozen parties, but no one set suited my needs, so I ended up making a set of my own. Here are the PDF files if you are interested:frozenfoodtents1 and frozenfoodtents2. They are formatted for Avery food tents.

Dessert is my absolute favorite part, and we had several options because you just never know if the adults are going to each cake or not.  J’s former nanny Tabitha was always very creative and has recently opened up her own business, That’s The Way The Cookie Crumbles, making custom-made cookies and other sweet treats from her home. She made us some adorable Anna, Elsa and Olaf cookies.  I also ordered blue & white cupcakes from HEB (that way I don’t have to learn how to pipe my own frosting) and decorated them with snowflake candies and Frozen figurines. For J’s actual birthday,  I managed to make a blue velvet cake, frost it myself and decorate it with rock candy and Frozen figurines to look like Elsa’s ice castle. For the party, I had HEB make me a white cake so I would not be embarrassed by my lack of frosting skills. Finally, we had Olaf hugs and Kristoff kisses.



Since I had a lot of kids and each was accompanied by 1-2 parents, I wanted everyone to be eating or active throughout the whole party. When guests filtered in, I sent them to the dining room where I had laid out Frozen coloring and activity pages. Once a few more kids arrived, I let them decorate their choice of crown: Elsa (blue), Anna (pink), Sven (reindeer antlers) or Olaf (snowflake mask). The kids had a blast decorating their headgear.

The activity signs were compliments of Frosted Events. The Sven antlers and Olaf masks were free downloads from Printable Crush. The Elsa/Anna crowns I had to draw freehand because the ones I found online were either too small or one per page. I have provided you with the template here. Simply print on card stock and cut out.


After lunch, we went outside for a snowball fight.  First, I found these crunchy life-like snowball balls in a 30 pack on the clearance aisle in Target.  Sadly, 30 snow balls were not going to go very far with all the kids I had, so I had to make some more using white pantyhose and polyfill. DH thought the snowball fight was going to be over in 5 min, so our back up plan was for the Dads to lead the kids in a game of Freeze tag.  Thirty minutes later, the kids were still chucking snowballs at each other and their parents, so we did not have to resort to Plan B.


On the way back into the house, I had set up a little tattoo station. I was originally going to make a faux wooden sign that said “Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post and Tattoo Parlor.” Yup, ran out of time for that, but the kids were happy nonetheless. I also made plastic baggies with all the materials to build your own snowman. The bag tags are compliments of Miss and Tell. The sign is from Two Magical Moms.

Finally, it was time for cake and a little more running around to burn off all that sugar. Then, this mamma sealed the doors and settled on the couch with a glass of vino.


I had a lot of cupcakes leftover and a couple of snack ideas that I ran out of time to execute. Luckily, the following week was J’s turn to bring snack at school, so my supplies for Olaf cheese sticks and Frozen snack mix did not go to waste.

All in all, it was probably our best party yet. But, I am kinda glad that I’ll have a newborn as an excuse not to throw a massive party this year. I deserve at least one year off, right?

For more ideas, check out my Pinterest idea board here or read about the party preparations here.

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